Rabbi Marc Labowitz  –  Spiritual Leader
 September 23, 2021  —            17 Tishrei 5782

Best wishes to you all for a happy and healthy New Year!


Thank you for sharing High Holy Days with us. 

We acknowledge and thank all of you for your support in allowing us to do what we love – inspire, engage, and connect. Please consider making a donation today.  Your contributions allow us to provide spiritually meaningful experiences such as the powerful services you attended this week.

Contributions can be made through our pledge text, or click this link to donate online.   Say Yes, donate any of the amounts, or write in an amount of your choice. Or you can text or email Nira or Renee or call the office with your pledge amount.

We wish to continue being your spiritual community and your
Yes guarantees that we are here for one another.

The TAO Scroll of Remembrance honors the memory of those who have passed and are
memorialized by loved ones. 
Click here to view it on our YouTube page.

Thank you to all who have supported TAO in the past year as a Patron, a Board Member, a volunteer,
volunteer musician or a teacher or group facilitator. We appreciate all who have helped us continue
the work that we do in the community.  Click here to view it on our YouTube page.

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Needed for Wednesday night Wisdom Classes:
– Volunteers to run Zoom meetings.  If you attend Wisdom Class regularly, this
is a perfect opportunity for you.  Can you help us out once a month?

– Someone to coordinate the volunteers to ensure coverage.
Please contact Renee or Nira.  Thank you for your help and continued support.

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                                       Chai – Lights
Friday, Sept 24, 6:30 pm – Shabbat Service with special guest Erin Maidan – ‘Sukkot and Heavenly Protection’
Saturday, Sept 25, 2 pm – Shabbat Afternoon Concert with Stephanie and Jorge
Monday, Sept 27, 6:45 pm – Men’s Spirituality Group North
Tuesday, Sept 28, 7:30 pm – Simchat Torah on Zoom
Friday, Oct 1, 6:30 pm – Shabbat Service
Saturday, Oct 2, 2 pm – Shabbat Afternoon Learning
Sunday, Oct 3, 5 pm – Chesed Call
Tuesday, Oct 5, 5 pm – Senior Services Group with Anne Goldberg and David Hall
Tuesday, Oct 5, 6 pm – Spiritual Bereavement Support with Leon Olenick
Tuesday, Oct 5, 7 pm – Men’s Spirituality Group South
Tuesday, Oct 5, 7 pm – Women’s Spiritual Book Club – We are reading Rabbi Shoni’s book “Miraculous Living” and discuss how her wonderful teachings relate to our own lives.  We welcome TAO women to join us.

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This new edition was designed to be used year after year, to match the parsha. Lovingly compiled and edited by Rabbi Shoni’s dear friend, Lisa Sirota-Weiner, this little gem of a book offers the reader glimpses of Torah and Kabbalah on a daily basis.
Order yours now!

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TAO is excited to introduce our “Challah Your Name” recognition opportunity.  If there’s someone whom you admire, someone who needs a little special attention, or someone that you want to give a special shout out to for something nice they did or for just being kind and loving and there for you, you can shine the light on them at Shabbat Services and in our newsletter with a minimum $36 donation. With everything that goes on around us during this challenging time, we realize the importance of recognizing those we care about for a variety of reasons. If you want to help shine the light, just click here: CHALLAH and make your donation and contact the office or Renee or Nira to give the details.  Looking forward to Challahing your name in the near future.

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New address TAO, 4581 Weston Road, Suite #160, Weston, FL 33331

** Note – the office is working remotely. 
Please don’t hesitate to reach out by email ([email protected]
or phone (954-888-1408),
and give us a little time to get back to you. 
We are here for you; for now, we’ll see you online. **

Please click any of the links below, or go directly to the calendar.

Note:  Links below that are in green indicate new content.

This newsletter is lovingly created by Linda Landes.