Rabbi Marc Labowitz  –  Spiritual Leader
  August 26, 2021  —               18 Elul 5781
Rosh Hashanah Day 1 – Tuesday, September 7 @ 10AM
Rosh Hashanah Day 2 – Wednesday, September 8 @ 10AM
Kol Nidre – Wednesday, September 15 @ 7:30PM
Yom Kippur – Thursday, September 16 @ 10:30AM

With the High Holy Days a month away and the COVID situation continuing to evolve,

we are wrestling deeply with how to hold services for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. 

While we are certain to offer High Holy Days Services virtually on zoom to our
registered members, our gathering together in person is still in question as we
wait to see what the next few weeks hold in terms of the COVID virus.

Please take the following steps at the present time:

Please click Join Now to become a member or to renew your membership,
if you have not already done so.

For non-members, please join us as a guest (suggested donation is $118 per
$360 per family).  It will be a two-step process: click here 
to make your donation, and then use the link below for zoom.
Guests, if you join TAO in the month following the High Holy Days,

your ticket donation will be subtracted from your membership.

Everyone must Register Here for zoom High Holy Day Services.
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information

about joining the meeting. Note: if you do not receive the link, please make sure
you are registered correctly. This year we will be using the same link for
all four days of the holiday.


All those for whom we recite Yizkor, may their memories remain for a blessing
With the High Holidays around the corner, we bring renewed energy to our lives.
Jewish tradition eternalizes our beloved departed by designating a memorial
Yizkor Service on the holiest day of the year, Yom Kippur. 
We are in the process of preparing our annual Yizkor Scroll of Remembrance.
This digital registry is created every year to remember and honor our loved ones who are with us in spirit.
To register for the regular Scroll, with a price of $18 per name, click here.
To honor on the permanent Plaque, with a price of $198 per name, click here.
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Needed for Wednesday night Wisdom Classes:
– Volunteers to run Zoom meetings.  If you attend Wisdom Class regularly, this
is a perfect opportunity for you.  Can you help us out once a month?

– Someone to coordinate the volunteers to ensure coverage.
Please contact Renee or Nira.  Thank you for your help and continued support.

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                                       Chai – Lights
Friday, August 27, 6:30 pm – Interactive Shabbat Service

          Saturday, August 28, 9 pm             
Join us for this year’s LIVE and Interactive Selichot Service via Zoom Only, as this is a member privilege. Rabbi Marc is asking for you to have a tallis or shawl or any meaningful piece of clothing available to wrap yourself. Rabbi Marc would also like you to think of ONE word that describes some attribute about you and one word about the world that you would like to celebrate. In addition, think about ONE word about an attribute in an area you need to grow and an attribute about the world that you would like to change. 

Participate fully in the custom by having the following foods available: 
Honey, Pomegranate, Carrots, Beets, Black Eyed Peas, Fish Head or Cabbage or Garlic Head,
Fish, Leeks, Pumpkin/gourd, Dates 

Selichot begins the introspective period that is the hallmark of the High Holy Days.  The effect of a Selichot service can be quite moving. You sense the extraordinary nature of the prayer and turn introspectively within yourself. It’s a time to begin to think about all of your experiences, all of your behaviors, and all you have ever been and done. The prayers themselves are pleas for mercy. The words cause you to consider how you can break the cycle of your life and change yourself for the better. There is no part of you that is not welcome – all the parts of you are parts of God. 

Tuesday, August 31, 7 pm – Women’s Spiritual Book Club * special date for High Holy Days *
Tuesday, August 31, 7 pm – Men’s Spirituality Group South

Tuesday, August 31, 7:30 pm – Wisdom Class with Miriam Shapiro, part 1 ** special date **
Friday, Sept 3, 6:30 pm – Shabbat Service with special guest Jenae Rubin
Saturday, Sept 4, 2 pm – Shabbos Afternoon Learning with Aliza Rothman “Elul Open Floor Dance”
Tuesday, Sept 7, 10 am – Rosh Hashanah Service, first day – registration link is above
Wednesday, Sept 8, 10 am – Rosh Hashanah Service, second day – registration link is above
Friday, Sept 10, 6:30 pm – Shabbat Service
Monday, Sept 13, 6:45 pm – Men’s Spirituality Group North

Tuesday, Sept 14, 7:30 pm – Wisdom Class with Miriam Shapiro, part 2 ** special date **
Wednesday, Sept 15, 7:30 pm – Kol Nidre – registration link is above
Thursday, Sept 16, 10:30 am – Yom Kippur – registration link is above
Friday, Sept 17, 6:30 pm – Shabbat Service

Saturday, Sept 18, 2 pm – Shabbos Afternoon Learning with Vicki Lichtman – “The book is closed – 
is your heart still open?”
Monday, Sept 20, 7 pm – Sukkot on Zoom
Wednesday, Sept 22, 7:30 pm – Wisdom Class – The Healing Corner with Esther and Tom
Members – free; guests – please purchase tickets here
Friday, Sept 24, 6:30 pm – Shabbat Service with special guest Erin Maidan
Monday, Sept 27, 6:45 pm – Men’s Spirituality Group North

Tuesday, Sept 28, 7:30 pm – Simchat Torah on Zoom

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This new edition was designed to be used year after year, to match the parsha. Lovingly compiled and edited by Rabbi Shoni’s dear friend, Lisa Sirota-Weiner, this little gem of a book offers the reader glimpses of Torah and Kabbalah on a daily basis.
Order yours now!

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TAO is excited to introduce our “Challah Your Name” recognition opportunity.  If there’s someone whom you admire, someone who needs a little special attention, or someone that you want to give a special shout out to for something nice they did or for just being kind and loving and there for you, you can shine the light on them at Shabbat Services and in our newsletter with a minimum $36 donation. With everything that goes on around us during this challenging time, we realize the importance of recognizing those we care about for a variety of reasons. If you want to help shine the light, just click here: CHALLAH and make your donation and contact the office or Renee or Nira to give the details.  Looking forward to Challahing your name in the near future.

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TAO’s YouTube channel – click here to subscribe
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New address TAO, 4581 Weston Road, Suite #160, Weston, FL 33331

** Note – the office is working remotely. 
Please don’t hesitate to reach out by email ([email protected]
or phone (954-888-1408),
and give us a little time to get back to you. 
We are here for you; for now, we’ll see you online. **

Please click any of the links below, or go directly to the calendar.

Note:  Links below that are in green indicate new content.

This newsletter is lovingly produced by Linda Landes.