Date(s) - 08/01/2023
7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
With only 5 pages left to read in Miraculous Living this is likely our last TAO Women’s Spirituality Book Group meeting.
We want to thank Flo Marshak for leading us with such care and respect for the last five years. That is a long commitment to consistently lead and we appreciate it very much. Flo’s expertise has helped us climb to new heights as we comprehended the wonderful wisdom of Rabbi Shoni. We also appreciated that Flo offered her condo as a place to meet with snacks until we had to change to Zoom due to Covid. We love you Flo!!
This is the last session for this group.
Rabbi Marc and Dr. Lisa will be leading ten sessions for each of the Sefirot after the High Holidays for the Miraculous Living book and anyone from the temple will be able to participate in those teachings.