Thursday, June 4, 2020 – 12 Sivan 5780
Naso: Numbers 4:21 – 7:89
The Israelites are instructed regarding persons afflicted with skin eruptions and other impurities.
Upon rising in the morning, bless God for having created you with a soul that is pure. In saying to yourself, “My soul is pure,” you reach that place within yourself that acts with integrity, compassion, and openness. Imagine that God is embracing the purity of your soul with unconditional love. (Intention, p. 42)
Friday, June 5, 2020 – 13 Sivan 5780
Naso: Numbers 4:21 – 7:89
The Lord gives instructions to maintain and restore holiness, here regarding adultery and the ordeals of jealousy.
From the moment you entered this world, you were given a light to carry, which increased or diminished according to your thoughts, words, and actions. In acknowledging your wrongs and mistakes, you arrive at unconditional acceptance of yourself and your changeability. (Compassion, p. 141)
Saturday, June 6, 2020 – 14 Sivan 5780
Naso: Numbers 4:21 – 7:89
During their journey through the desert, the Israelites at times waited three days before entering a new territory. That they stopped and waited is an indication of the need to empty, return to nothingness, and become still in order to receive guidance to the next step. (Intention, p. 59)
Sunday, June 7, 2020 – 15 Sivan 5780
Beha’alotcha: Numbers 8:1 – 12:16
The Lord speaks to Moses, to instruct Aaron regarding the lighting of the lampstand.
The inner light of God is kindled and rekindled in you with the assistance of prayer. Prayer, in each of its forms, transmits energy. That energy can emanate in the recitation of liturgy, in the articulation of your own language, in the silence of meditation, and in the many other ways in which you empty, open, and receive the inner light of God. (Harmony, p. 195)
Monday, June 8, 2020 – 16 Sivan 5780
Beha’alotcha: Numbers 8:1 – 12:16
Moses and Aaron assemble the Levites, purify them, and consecrate them to serve the Lord.
Selfless service has less to do with the self than with service. It is giving of yourself fully. It is serving others for the sole purpose of serving God, by extending godliness and goodness into the world. Rather than seek self-aggrandizement and praise, you receive fulfillment in serving others unconditionally. (Compassion, p. 131)
Tuesday, June 9, 2020 – 17 Sivan 5780
Beha’alotcha: Numbers 8:1 – 12:16
The Lord speaks to Moses, saying “This is the rule for the Levites. From 25 years of age, they shall participate in the work force in the service of the Tent of Meeting.”
When you serve God through God’s compassion, you empower yourself with greater strength, elevate your mind with higher thoughts, and soar with the angels. That is what is called “complete service.” – Baal Shem Tov, (Strength, p. 143)
Wednesday, June 10, 2020 – 18 Sivan 5780
Beha’alotcha: Numbers 8:1 – 12:16
In the second year after the exodus from Egypt, on the 20th day of the second month, the Israelites set forth from Sinai.
Receive the insights that will help you to clear your mind, open your spirit, and walk gently through the boundaries of who you have been, in order to become all you can possibly be. (Intention, p. 33)